Sunday, February 10, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

This is a the day we got engaged. It was a great day. They were pretty flowers.

Happy Valentine's Day!!! Brad and I had our traditional Valentine's dinner last night because we will we at Cinda's house tonight. It was a lot of fun. We used our china and goblets for the first time. I also bought some fancy candles and candlesticks. The dinner was fun, but they we had to get back to our homework right after, so it was short-lived. I love Valentine's Day. Holidays are the best. I just wish it would stop snowing around here. There is a really fun game you can play that Southwest offers in honor of Valentine's Day. Brad has already wasted quite a bit of time. Here is the link:
Happy Valentine's Day from Rapid Rewards! Click Here to Play the Game of LUV

1 comment:

Cami said...

Holy cow! Your cookies look so much better than mine. will you teach me?