Sorry for the delay in blogging. Life has been extrememly busy this semester and I had to drop some things. Unfortunately, blogging was one of those.
Since the last post not much has changed. The business was a complete headache. I am so glad it is over! We had a slacker on the team that still wanted his share of the profits- anyway, it all worked out. We even got 2nd place in a business idea competition and won $100. We didn't hit the goal, but don't worry- I will still be getting an A in the class.
Well, classes are over!!! We finished finals last week. I don't think I have ever felt this relieved to has a semester be over. I really loved all of my classes but my schedule was pretty intense. I am so ready for a holiday!
I also got a new job last week. I am now a receptionist at the student health center. It is awesome- I schedule appointments over the phone. I get to do homework in between- it's sweet. But, I do get some interesting people over the phone- let's just say TOO MUCH INFORMATION. haha- maybe I will now have stories to exchange with Tim.
The weather here has been crazy. It seems like it is a blizzard every other day. Hopefully it will clear up so we can fly home!
I promise to be better at posting- stay tuned!